3 Simple Tactics to Save 5+ Hours on Newsletters
If you plan to make your income from writing, producing content more quickly certainly helps. Writers often suggest using audio to text software for faster typing. This option is one of many time-saving tips available to you. Can you get content out faster without hurting the quality? Put in place time-saving strategies to earn more by completing tasks with great speed.
Have a Template
If you guess, then you're losing time. Uncertainty leads to procrastination and unpredictable results, thus you have to work harder to gain the results you seek.
- Learn the basics of headline formats, layouts and writing styles.
- Look at one newsletter achieving rapid growth and apply its approach. Choose one inspiration because mixing techniques can confuse your readers.
- Use those best practices to make templates.
A template limits your inner perfectionist. When using a template, you'll only need to add your content, proofread and schedule the message.
Use Your Folders
Whether the newsletter platform is free or paid, it has folders. Use the folders to store your templates, images and content drafts. It prevents distractions since you have most of what you need within one tab.
What is another benefit? When you keep your drafts and other material here (cloud storage), you are less likely to lose them.
Batch Your Creation Process
Fill out one element of the newsletter each day. For example, Monday is photography and Tuesday is writing. Stagger the workload until all the material is ready for the newsletter.
An alternative approach is to set hours for items of content creation. This prevents scatter-brain, your actions have a purpose, and you're less likely to get distracted by clickbait headlines unrelated to your newsletter research goals.
Dataczar Connect is an all-in-one marketing solution that allows you to build a beautiful website with ease, create campaigns in a few clicks, and make branded marketing materials in a matter of minutes. There’s no coding or hidden costs. In just 5 easy steps, you’ll have your own domain for your business or brand and begin connecting with prospects through omnichannel marketing and content creation.