Save Money on Advertising with Geographic Segmentation
The first way to segment your list for an email marketing campaign is through geolocation. Segmenting your list this way can be helpful because you may want to advertise differently in different locations. For example, if you’re a footwear company, you’ll want to advertise differently in the winter to those who live in Minnesota versus those who live in California. Using geolocation as a segmentation characteristic is easier than you may think. All you need to do is ask for this information through a registration form on your website. When you ask for this information, you’ll need to know the following data: country, city and postal code; this way you can optimize your email marketing campaigns in three different way and create commercial strategies according to the location criteria. In the case of having a local business in a city, it’s fundamental for you to know the postal code, because this will allow you to offer a promotion that is more personalized and direct. For example, imagine you’re offering a product with free shipping to a certain area; by knowing the postal code you can assure that only the people living in that specific area will receive the promotion, rather than those in a larger geographic area.