Deadly Email Marketing Mistakes: Staying Outdated


There’s nothing worse than outdated content. As we’ve said before, customers need to be actively engaged or you’ll risk losing them as prospects. This is why an email marketer’s job is so incredibly difficult. However, if you stay away from these deadly email marketing mistakes, you’ll do just fine. Another deadly email marketing mistakes is both delivering outdated content to your customers and working from an outdated database.

When you deliver outdated content to your customers, they feel unimportant. How could they possibly feel valued when you don’t put any effort into renewing and revitalizing the content that you send them? It takes creativity and ambition to create interesting, engaging, and unique content- even when you’re speaking about the same company in every campaign. When your database is outdated, like when you keep cold leads, your email marketing list becomes unhelpful. How can your email marketing campaigns be successful when you send emails to customers that are either uninterested or nonexistent?
