Two Ways to Tap the Right Brain to Be Successful Anywhere


Have you ever applied the brain dominance theory in your life? Or do you want to visualize, synthesize, or project a holistic picture in your life of what you want to be? Then, you need to draw upon the right brain capacity. Here are two ways to project the right brain to be successful and creative. Let's delve into these two ways. In "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," Stephen Covey talks about how the brain is so powerful.

Expanding Your Perspective

You might notice people ask hard questions from them after losing something important in their lives or facing challenging experiences. But proactive people don't wait for any adversity in their lives to create perspective-expanding experiences. On the flip side, they use their imagination and senses to tap their right brain. If you want to be successful at any stage, learn to tap the right brain. You can do this by expanding your perspective and expand it by:

  • Visualizing and imagining everything in your life, every position and circumstance, and add all feelings and emotions in your imagination and sense it clearly.

  • Imagine the life values and principles and live with the expanded perspective for days to tap your right brain.

Leverage the Power of Visualization and Affirmation

Keep your values and missions in front of you every time to make you a personal leader, and by writing a powerful personal mission statement, you can tap your right brain capacity. To be successful in life, writing a personal mission statement helps you to be congruent. For instance, use the power of visualization of your right brain to write an affirmation to keep you active in daily life. To keep good affirmation, remember it should be:

  • In the present tense and positive

  • Personal, emotional, and visual

The combination of visualization and affirmation lets you program you for independent reality and to create a life of contributions.

This article is part of our Business Coaching blog series. At Dataczar we talk to a lot of small businesses. We’ve found a few books that we keep recommending time and again. To better help our customers, we’ve added a Reading List for Small Businesses to our website. We encourage every small business owner to read and keep these timeless business books on their office shelf.
